
Distribuci stále budujeme a rozšiřujeme. V současné době naše preparáty prodávají: veterináři, prodejny chovatelských potřeb (zverimexy), internetové obchody a naši prodejci – vyhledejte si nejlepší cenu ve všech e-shopech.

Leave Us a Message

We are constantly extending our distribution channels.

Apart from cooperation based on the sale of our standard assortment, we offer the opportunity to work on the basis of PRIVATE LABEL production & packaging.

For enquiries about DISTRIBUTION and PRIVATE LABEL options, please contact:


TEL: +420 577 644 742 | GSM:+420 601 111 375 





třída Tomáše Bati 385
763 02 Zlín (budova VITAR centra)

Get in touch

Simply send us a message through the form below, and we’ll reply to it or call back. No need to worry about the safety of your email address and phone number, as they’re used solely for communication purposes between you and us.

By sending message, you agree to the processing of personal data.